Recommended Citation:
Kahrig, T., Schoen, K., & Quolke, M. (2023) Athens County 2023. Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service
The Athens County Foundation is happy to share the updated Athens County Report!
In 2016, ACF commissioned a report to assess the state of Athens County. This report has influenced the foundation's work and has served as a valuable resource for various community organizations. The current report aims to update information from 2016 and highlight new developments in the county.
Information for the 2024 report was gathered during 2022 through the collection of publicly available secondary data and primary data from community members engaged in serving Athens County. This report discusses the longstanding challenges faced by the community, such as poverty and food insecurity, and the equally enduring work of the community to address the drivers of these complex problems while simultaneously supporting those most impacted by them.
ACF would like to thank Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, Sunday Creek Horizons, and the many Athens County community members who gave their time to make this report possible.
Correction Notice:
We regret an error in the report stating that the percentage of people living below the federal poverty level is 16.9% on page 7. The correct value is 26.9%. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.
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mission | We build on the strengths of our community, advancing participation and collaboration to address longstanding challenges and pursue extraordinary opportunities.
vision | Everyone in Athens County is engaged and working together to ensure a healthy, inclusive, thriving community for all.
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