Our collaborative efforts at the Athens County Foundation are fortified by the dedicated contributions of our diverse and dynamic team of professionals. Together, our staff and board form a cohesive and synergistic partnership, driving the Athens County Foundation towards its goals with unwavering dedication and shared vision.
Kerry Pigman
Executive Director
Eleni Zulia
Program Director,
Operations and Engagement
Dani Esperanza
Program Director,
Leadership and Capacity-Building
Shayne Lopez
Program Director,
Grantmaking and Community Impact
Cindy Strausbaugh
Finance Manager
Cheryl Sylvester
Julia Paxton Pagan
Vice Chairperson
Geoffrey Morgan
Jessica Thomas
W. Otis Crockron Jr.
Karoline Lane
Laurie Deal
Jane Cavarozzi
Jennifer L’Heureux
Randall Gonzalez
Scott Robe
Steve Patterson
Tee Ford-Ahmed
Therese Lackey
mission | We build on the strengths of our community, advancing participation and collaboration to address longstanding challenges and pursue extraordinary opportunities.
vision | Everyone in Athens County is engaged and working together to ensure a healthy, inclusive, thriving community for all.
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