We are committed to Athens County, OH.
The logo for the athens county foundation is a stained glass design.


Frequently asked questions about Leadership Athens County

  • Q: How much time will it take to commit to this program?

    A: Our flagship program runs from October until May, with a two-day mandatory overnight retreat. Eight hours of attendance are required for each program day as listed in the schedule, and participants may be asked to participate further (no more than 2 hours per month) with other cohort members, or in preparation or follow up. This may include consuming additional materials, holding a discussion, or working on a service project. Total commitment is 96 hours of required time, including the overnight retreat, with potential for up to 16 additional hours.

    Our youth program runs from October until May, with a two-day mandatory retreat (no overnight required.) Seven hours of attendance are required for each program day as listed in the schedule. Participants will not be asked for additional time. Total commitment is 67.5 hours.

    Since emergencies arise, participants are allowed one absence. More than one absence may make you ineligible to graduate with your class. If you cannot fulfill this requirement, please delay your application until you can make the commitment.

  • Q: How do most people take the time off for this program?

    A: For our flagship program, many employers pay for their employees to attend this program and encourage their participation. It is valuable professional development: building leadership, networking, and learning more deeply about the Athens County community. Some folks opt to take personal time.

    For our youth program, our program director and school officials coordinate the absence during the school day. Students may be subject to make-up work from the time missed and must adhere to school policy regarding absences.

  • Q: How much does this program cost?

    A: Cost for the Flagship program is $1,300 per person and is the responsibility of the flagship member. It includes program materials, meals, snacks, and room rentals. It does not include the cost of overnight room accommodations for the retreat or transportation. 

    Cost for the Youth program is $1,500 per person and is covered in full thanks to generous support from alumni, partners, and organizations. Included is program materials, transportation, meals, snacks, and room rentals

    If you need assistance paying for Leadership Athens County, please contact program staff for scholarship information.

  • Q: How many people are in the program each year?

    A: We typically select 20-30 leaders for both of our programs.

    Our youth program has a special focus on equal numbers from representative school districts.

  • Q: How are participants selected?

    A: Recognizing that leadership comes in all shapes, sizes, ages, and experiences, each cohort is carefully selected to create a diverse, dynamic, and cohesive group through selection committee review and recommendation. 

    Since the cohort must attempt to foster an environment of authenticity, vulnerability, and bravery to learn and grow consideration is given to age, gender, occupation, leadership experience/roles, place of residence, race, ethnicity, and nationality.

  • Q: Will there be retreats?

    A: Yes! For our programs, we will feature three different retreats – opening, mid-program, and closing. New this year - our mid-program retreat will be a shared experience betwen both cohorts!

flagship schedule

Flagship programming will take place from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the below dates, unless otherwise noted. Sessions will take place throughout Athens County as noted and include on-site visits and tours, speakers, case studies and discussions, and group activities. Attendance is required at all sessions and all activities within session.

*Shared sessions are combined with our Youth cohort and time for the day is 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

A group of people are sitting in a circle in front of a projector screen.

2025-2026 LAC Flagship Schedule

Dates Theme Location 1 Location 2
October 9-10, 2025 Opening Retreat Hocking Hills N/A
November 20, 2025 Healthy Communities TBA TBA
December 18, 2025 Food Access TBA TBA
January 15, 2026 Infrastructure TBA TBA
January 22, 2026 Mid-Program Retreat Athens *Shared Session
February 19, 2026 Economic Development TBA TBA
March 5, 2026 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Athens *Shared Session
March 19, 2026 Housing TBA TBA
April 16, 2026 Arts, Culture, & Recreation TBA Glouster
May 15, 2025 Closing Retreat TBA Various
May 15, 2025, 5 p.m. Graduation Athens *Shared Event

youth schedule

Youth programming will take place from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the below dates, unless otherwise noted. Sessions will take place throughout Athens County as noted and include on-site visits and tours, speakers, case studies and discussions, and group activities. Attendance is required at all sessions and all activities within sessions. This is the schedule for Youth 2025-26.*

A group of people are standing in a room.

2025-2026 LAC Youth Schedule

Dates Theme Location*
October 1-2, 2025 Opening Retreat Athens
November 6, 2025 Communication Nelsonville
December 4, 2025 Healthy Communities Nelsonville
January 8, 2026 Democracy Glouster
January 22 ,2026 Mid-Program Retreat Athens
February 5, 2026 Education Albany
March 5, 2026 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Athens
April 2, 2026 Collaboration Stewart
May 7, 2026 Closing Retreat Athens
May 21, 2026 Graduation Athens

*Subject to change with adequate notice


Dani Esperanza

Program Director,
Leadership and Capacity-Building


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