We are committed to Athens County, OH.
The logo for the athens county foundation is a stained glass design.

ways to give

You make a gift to the community when you give to Athens County Foundation. Every gift to ACF is optimized to expand the strengths, capacity, and abilities within the county so that together we can pursue progress.

A group of people are sitting in a circle in front of a television.
A black and white icon of a laptop with a globe and an arrow pointing to it.

Give Online

make a one-time gift
 or become a recurring donor
Click to Give Online
An envelope with a piece of paper sticking out of it.

Give By Mail

Athens County Foundation

Attn: Eleni Zulia

PO Box 366

Athens, OH 45701

A black and white drawing of a phone on a white background.

Give By Phone

Call 740-594-6061
to give via phone.
Click to Call
A black and white drawing of two hands with a heart in the middle.

Give By DAF

Your fund advisor portal allows you to donate to your fund or any funds we hold.
Email Us
A group of people are sitting around a table with a dollar sign on it.

Give By Match

Many corporate workplaces offer generous matching programs – check with your employer for details and increase your impact!

charitable instruments

Below are examples of charitable instruments. Please contact us to discuss the best fit for your philanthropic goals. 

Outright Gift 

The simplest ways to give make a big difference. 

You can make a gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets. Most charitable gifts qualify for maximum tax advantage under federal law. 


Gift of Real Estate 

A charitable gift unearthed. 

Making a charitable gift of real estate can help you turn your property gains into community good. The value of your real estate may exceed that of any other asset you own, and you can use it to fulfill your charitable goals and receive financial and tax benefits. 


Gift of Life Insurance 

Community as your beneficiary. 

Life insurance provides a simple way for you to give a significant gift to charity, with tax benefits that you can enjoy during your lifetime. 


Gift of Appreciated Stock 

Turning stock market gains into community investment. 

Everybody wins when you make a gift of appreciated stock. Your gains are put to good use. Your gift of stock is reinvested in Athens County, and it qualifies for an immediate tax deduction based on the full market value. 


Bequest by Will 

A legacy of giving. 

Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to Athens County. When you make this gift, we can establish a special fund that benefits the community and becomes your personal legacy of giving.


Eleni Zulia
Program Director,
Operations and Engagement


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