We are committed to Athens County, OH.
The logo for the athens county foundation is a stained glass design.

grant guidelines

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for grant funding, organizations must hold tax-exempt status under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3), operate as a government agency, or function as a church. If you have a project in mind and are uncertain about your eligibility, please reach out to our staff through the contact form at the bottom. We will gladly engage in discussions about your ideas and offer guidance in moving forward.

Entities ineligible to apply for funding include:

  • Individuals
  • For-profit organizations
  • Organizations outside the U.S.
  • Political parties, campaigns or political candidates
  • Churches, religious groups or sectarian organizations that only serve congregation members
  • Organizations that discriminate against persons for reason of race, religion, disability, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation/identity, national origin or political orientation

Prohibited Grants

The Athens County Foundation cannot provide grants for the following purposes:

  • endowments 
  • scholarships 
  • religious purposes 
  • reimbursement for services or projects already completed
  • deficits or debt reduction
  • political or legislative action groups 
  • annual fundraising drives

Grant Timeline

Typically, our grants need to be spent within one year of fund receipt. If your proposals will take longer to complete, we recommend applying for the resources needed for the year and then reapplying for funding in the next cycle.


All applications must be completed online using ACF’s grant portal. If you are unable to access our forms, please contact our staff and we will assist you in completing your application. Alternatively, if you prefer to submit in person or via mail, please make sure you stop by or mail your application on or before the deadline.

Review Process

Upon receipt of your requests, our staff do a preliminary review of your proposals to ensure all required information is supplied by applicants. Our staff may reach out to you to ask for more information prior to review by the  relevant committee. A committee composed of representatives from the ACF’s board of directors, fund advisors, and/or funding partners reviews your proposal using the following criteria: 

  • alignment to ACF and the funding opportunity’s mission, vision, values, and priorities
  • feasible and reasonable of resources
  • capability to achieve anticipated impact through the proposed project.

Once decisions are made, you will receive a notification via email regarding the committee’s decision and any next steps.

Standard Grant Agreements

All grantees affirm its tax status as set forth in their determination letter, and pledge to notify the Athens County Foundation if there is a change in their status. Furthermore, all grantees must use the grant funding they receive in the specific purpose that the grant was made. Grantees must contact the Athens County Foundation if there are any funds not spent for the purpose of the grant to discuss the best way to return or reuse the fund.

Related Links


Shayne Lopez
Program Director,
Grantmaking and Community Impact


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