We are committed to Athens County, OH.
The logo for the athens county foundation is a stained glass design.

FY 2022 List of Grantees

Shayne Lopez • January 31, 2023


Organization  Description  Grant Amount 
2020 Vision Sports Corp.  general support  $1,000.00 
Allenspark Fire Department  general support  $500.00 
Arts West  general support  $500.00 
Athens Conservancy  general support  $1,000.00 
Athens County Foundation  children’s program grants  $10,000.00 
Athens County Foundation  for general operating expenses  $5,000.00 
Athens County Foundation LLC Services  Athens County Independent  $25,000.00 
Athens County Historical Society & Museum  general support  $500.00 
Bobbie Merritt Foundation  general support  $1,000.00 
Carousel of Happiness  in memory of Ray Sheriff  $500.00 
Community Food Initiatives  general support  $500.00 
Container Recycling Institute  general support  $500.00 
Crossroads Ministry of Estes Park, Inc.  General use  $1,000.00 
Dairy Barn  general support  $500.00 
Esselstyn Family Foundation, Inc.  General use  $500.00 
Fort Worth Education Center  for the Julie Rowe Education Fund; from the Athens, Ohio, Kostohryz family  $1,000.00 
Friends of Athens Public Library  general support  $500.00 
Friends of Strouds Run  general support  $1,000.00 
Friends Of The Hocking Hills State Park  general use; in honor of Jo Kappas  $500.00 
Friends of the Shelter Dogs Inc.  general support  $500.00 
Good Works  general support  $1,000.00 
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio  Playhouse Build  $3,000.00 
Live Healthy Appalachia  general support  $5,000.00 
Live Healthy Appalachia  General use  $7,000.00 
Mully Childrens Family USA Inc  from the Kostohryz family for general school needs  $5,000.00 
National Museum of the Mighty 8th Air Force  in memory of Robert E Sheriff  $500.00 
Ohio Counseling Association  2022 Tom Davis Outstanding Mentor Award  $200.00 
Ohio Counseling Association  Tom Davis Outstanding Mentor Award  $300.00 
OhioHealth O’Bleness Hospital  Lovelights Project  $500.00 
Outdoor Recreation Council of Appalachia  general support for the Baileys Trail System  $2,500.00 
Parkersburg Art Center  general support  $500.00 
Passion Works  general support  $500.00 
Project Plant  general support  $500.00 
Rocky Mountain Conservancy  general support  $500.00 
Rural Action  general support  $1,000.00 
Shade Community Center Association  General use  $1,000.00 
Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions  Oxygen Generating Plant  $34,000.00 
Stripes Of A Warrior Inc  general support  $500.00 
Stuart’s Opera House  general support  $1,000.00 
The Old Gallery  general support  $1,000.00 
The Wild Animal Sanctuary  general support  $1,000.00 
What About Remembering Me Center Inc  In memory of Julie Rowe from the Athens, Ohio, Kostohryz family  $1,000.00 
American Legion Post 21  Athens Area Stand Down Annual Event  $5,000.00 
Center for the Creation of Cooperation  Research Support  $3,923.00 
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio  Pledge payment  $10,000.00 
Herbert Wescoat Memorial Library  Library Support  $10,003.50 
Wellston Public Library  Library Support  $10,003.50 
Appalachian Center For Economic Networks Inc  Appalachian Accessible Food  $25,840.00 
Athens Area Mediation Service  Fund to support the incorporation of AP4RE and website  $421.00 
Athens Area Mediation Service  Fund to support the incorporation of AP4RE and website  $979.00 
Athens County Children’s Services  Buckeye Bags Food Access Program  $316.01 
Athens County Children’s Services  Buckeye Bags Food Access Program  $3,683.99 
Cannabis Museum  Operational Support to help Build ADA Compliant Bathrooms  $10,000.00 
Community Food Initiatives  AFM:50 Years Nourishing our Community  $1,200.00 
Dairy Barn  Summer Art Camp 2022  $5,064.00 
Glouster Revitalization Organization  Knights of Pythias Building Renovation  $12,600.00 
HAVAR Inc.  Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Support Initiative  $3,668.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Athens County Broadband Program and Coordinator  $3,000.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Athens County Broadband Program and Coordinator  $2,000.00 
Lifecare Alliance  Central Ohio Diabetes Association Camp Programming  $307.00 
Lifecare Alliance  Central Ohio Diabetes Association Camp Programming  $532.00 
Lifecare Alliance  Central Ohio Diabetes Association Camp Programming  $494.99 
Lifecare Alliance  Central Ohio Diabetes Association Camp Programming  $3,666.01 
Lutheran Social Services  LSS Food Pantries in Athens County  $366.00 
Lutheran Social Services  LSS Food Pantries in Athens County  $2,256.00 
Paper Circle  New Printer  $245.00 
Passion Works  Community Arts Night  $1,302.00 
Passion Works  Community Arts Night  $1,588.00 
Passion Works  Social Impact Initiatives-Mobile Art Project  $6,000.00 
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio  Promoting Access for Uninsured and Underinsured Patients at the Athens County Health Center  $10,000.00 
Rising Appalachia  Expanding nature-based opportunities for SE Ohio Youth  $6,400.00 
Ronald McDonald Charities of Central Ohio  Helping Hands Program  $990.00 
Ronald McDonald Charities of Central Ohio  Helping Hands Program  $2,010.00 
Rural Action  Appalachian Stewards-Educating for Resilience  $5,892.75 
Rural Action  Appalachian Stewards-Educating for Resilience  $311.00 
Rural Action  Appalachian Stewards-Educating for Resilience  $91.01 
Rural Action  Appalachian Stewards-Educating for Resilience  $867.00 
Rural Action  Appalachian Stewards-Educating for Resilience  $338.24 
Sons Of Union Veterans Of The Civil War  Chauncey Boys Historical Marker  $1,552.00 
Sons Of Union Veterans Of The Civil War  Chauncey Boys Historical Marker  $709.00 
Sons Of Union Veterans Of The Civil War  Chauncey Boys Historical Marker  $299.00 
Sons Of Union Veterans Of The Civil War  Chauncey Boys Historical Marker  $247.00 
Sons Of Union Veterans Of The Civil War  Chauncey Boys Historical Marker  $193.00 
Southeast Ohio Free Pharmacy  Website Build  $27.00 
Southeast Ohio Free Pharmacy  Website Build  $342.00 
Southeast Ohio Free Pharmacy  Website Build  $3,631.00 
Tenderfoot Fair Trade Learning Lab  Sustainable Spring Break Program  $2,007.76 
The Appalachian Children Coalition  Financial Administration Capacity Around State Budget Line Item  $5,000.00 
The Athens Village, Inc.  Healthy Aging at Home Program  $7,500.00 
The Birth Circle  Prepared Parents Workshop  $5,500.00 
The Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program  New Leaf Nelsonville Community Resource and meeting space  $4,790.00 
United Seniors of Athens  Marketing and Promotion of Athens County Cares  $7,500.00 
Village of Albany  Albany Comprehensive Plan  $1,335.00 
Village of Albany  Albany Comprehensive Plan  $5,100.00 
Village of Albany  Albany Comprehensive Plan  $4,001.00 
Village of Albany  Albany Comprehensive Plan  $5,564.00 
FALL,OHFN Subgrant     
Athens County Child Advocacy Center  IT Security & Accessibility Project  $8,683.99 
Glouster Revitalization Organization  Knights of Pythias Building Renovation  $9,400.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Athens County Broadband Program and Coordinator  $15,000.00 
Live Healthy Appalachia  Meal Kit Project  $13,515.00 
Lutheran Social Services  LSS Food Pantries in Athens County  $378.00 
Ohio Valley Museum of Discovery  STEAM Packs for Teachers  $4,191.00 
Passion Works  Community Arts Night  $2,510.00 
The Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program  New Leaf Nelsonville Community Resource and meeting space  $10,210.00 
OHFN Subgrant     
Athens County Children’s Services  Buckeye Bag Food Access Program  $7,000.00 
Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center  PROJECT RISE: Internship  $3,000.00 
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio  2022 Build  $5,000.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Care Kits & Resource Information for the Unhoused  $4,000.00 
Hocking College Foundation  Recovery Community Organization at Hocking College  $2,000.00 
Integrated Services  The Hive: Summer Splash  $6,000.00 
Logan Hocking Local School District  Helping Families Be Healthy Families  $2,000.00 
Lutheran Social Services  LSS Food Pantries in Athens County  $2,500.00 
Meigs County Farmers Market Llc  Meigs County Innovative Youth Society  $5,000.00 
Nelsonville Presbyterian PreKindergarten  Fencing for outdoor play area  $1,000.00 
Ohio University  CAT Camp  $1,500.00 
Southeast Ohio Free Pharmacy  Medication Storage  $2,000.00 
Truth Food Pantry, Inc. (agape)  Food Safety  $2,000.00 
Women for Recovery  Bathroom Renovation  $2,000.00 
OHFN Subgrant,RESPONSE     
Athens County Community Singers  Music Performance to Enhance Learning and Community  $4,000.00 
Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center  Athens County School Staff Wellness Pilot  $3,000.00 
Athens Photographic Project  iPad Funding for Intro Artists  $2,292.00 
Hopewell Health Centers  Early Childhood Programs Holiday Gift Bags  $325.00 
Hopewell Health Centers  Wellness for Hopewell Staff  $6,575.31 
The Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program  Athens City School District Pandemic Health Needs Assessment  $12,000.00 
ORG FUND Recurring     
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio  Org Fund Allocation FY2022  $7,682.00 
Rural Action  Org Fund Allocation FY2022  $3,360.00 
The Athens Village, Inc.  Org Fund Allocation FY2022  $799.00 
The Birth Circle  Org Fund Allocation FY2022  $467.00 
Showing Up For Racial Justice Education Fund Inc  Nelsonville Voices Listening Project  $2,500.00 
Athens County Children’s Services  Buckeye Bag Food Access Program  $4,586.00 
Big Brother Big Sisters Association of Greater Central Ohio  Camp Oty’Okwa  $1,100.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Care Kits & Resource Information for the Unhoused  $1,000.00 
Lifecare Alliance  Central Ohio Diabetes Association (CODA)  $2,000.00 
Meigs County Farmers Market Llc  Meigs County Innovative Youth Society  $774.00 
Nelsonville Presbyterian PreKindergarten  Outdoor Activities/educational supplies  $2,000.00 
Southeast Ohio Free Pharmacy  Medication Storage  $2,000.00 
Truth Food Pantry, Inc. (agape)  Food Safety  $1,040.00 
Working Tools Company  Shop with a Cop  $3,000.00 
York Township Fire Department  Christmas Dinner Food Baskets  $2,500.00 
Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center  PROJECT RISE: Internship  $2,000.00 
Big Brother Big Sisters Association of Greater Central Ohio  Camp Oty’Okwa-Summer camp for Athens and Hocking County youth  $3,600.00 
Community Food Initiatives  Veggie Van Sustainability  $1,100.00 
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio  2022 Build  $5,000.00 
Integrated Services  The Hive: Summer Splash  $4,000.00 
Logan Hocking Local School District  Helping Families Be Healthy Families  $2,000.00 
Lutheran Social Services  LSS Food Pantries in Athens County  $2,500.00 
Nelsonville Presbyterian PreKindergarten  Fencing for outdoor play area  $600.00 
Ohio University  CAT Camp  $500.00 
Village of New Straitsville  The Delyn Center Restroom Completion  $3,200.00 
Women for Recovery  Bathroom Renovation  $500.00 
Athens City-County Health Dept.  Age-Friendly Athens County Initiative Development  $25,000.00 
Athens County Community Singers  Music Performance to Enhance Learning and Community  $2,360.00 
Athens County Foundation  to establish the Blue Dot Coworking Fund  $25,000.00 
Athens County Foundation  to estalish the Blue Dot Coworking Fund  $5,000.00 
Athens County Foundation LLC Services  Athens County Independent Development Support  $5,000.00 
Athens County Historical Society & Museum  Emergency Elevator Repairs  $5,993.92 
Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center  Athens County School Staff Wellness Pilot  $4,000.00 
Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center  Paid Internships for HS Students  $5,000.00 
Athens Photographic Project  iPad Funding for Intro Artists  $2,292.00 
Calliope Feminist Choir  Return to Safe Indoor Rehearsals with Clean Air  $951.98 
Dairy Barn  Dairy Barn Strategic Planning Project  $5,000.00 
Dairy Barn  Elevator Repair  $3,195.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Food Not Fees  $4,000.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Food Not Fees  $1,000.00 
Hopewell Health Centers  Early Childhood Programs Holiday Gift Bags  $325.00 
Hopewell Health Centers  Wellness for Hopewell Staff  $6,575.30 
Hopewell Health Centers  Wellness for Hopewell Staff  $6,575.31 
Ohio Valley School Of Celtic Dance And Culture  Operational Support  $4,000.00 
The Athens Village, Inc.  Social Transportation  $2,500.00 
The Birth Circle  Perinatal Resource and Community Hub  $5,000.00 
The iBelieve Foundation  Youth Leadership Workshop  $3,500.00 
The Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program  Athens City School District Pandemic Health Needs Assessment  $6,000.00 
Women for Recovery  Serenity Grove Addition and Renovation Project  $15,706.34 
Alexander Local School  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
American Red Cross  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Appalachian Center For Economic Networks Inc  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens Area Mediation Service  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens City-County Health Dept.  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens City School District  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens County Board of DD-Beacon School  Gratitude Grant for Beacon School  $400.00 
Athens County Children’s Services  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens County Community Singers  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens County Department of Job & Family Services  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens County Firefighters Association  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens County Historical Society & Museum  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens County Land Reutilization Corporation  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens County Public Libraries  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens Photographic Project  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Cannabis Museum  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Community Food Initiatives  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development (COAD)  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Dairy Barn  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Edna Brooks Foundation (dba My Sisters Place)  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Federal Hocking Local Schools  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Federal Valley Resource Center, Inc.  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Glouster Revitalization Organization  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Good Works  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
HAVAR Inc.  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Hopewell Health Centers  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Integrated Services  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Live Healthy Appalachia  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Lutheran Social Services  Gratitude Grant for Athens Food Pantries  $400.00 
Nelsonville Division of Fire  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Nelsonville Presbyterian PreKindergarten  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Nelsonville-York City Schools  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
OhioHealth Foundation  Gratitude Grant for OhioHealth O’bleness  $400.00 
Ohio State Legal Services Association  Gratitude Grant for SEOLS  $400.00 
Ohio University  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Ohio Valley Museum of Discovery  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Ohio Valley School Of Celtic Dance And Culture  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Paper Circle  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Passion Works  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio  Gratitude Grant for Athens Health Center  $400.00 
Rising Appalachia  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Rural Action  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Shade Community Center Association  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Sons Of Union Veterans Of The Civil War  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Southeast Ohio Free Pharmacy  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Southeast Ohio Youth Mentoring Inc.  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Stuart’s Opera House  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Tenderfoot Fair Trade Learning Lab  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
The Athens Village, Inc.  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
The Birth Circle  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
The Plains United Methodist Church  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
The Survivor Advocacy Outreach Program  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Torch Feed My Sheep  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Tri-County Career Center  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Trimble Local Schools  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
UCM-Center for Spiritual Growth & Scl. Jst.  Gratitude Grant for Athens Asian American Alliance  $400.00 
United Seniors of Athens  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Village of Albany  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Women for Recovery  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
York Township Fire Department  Gratitude Grant  $400.00 
Athens Area Mediation Service  Support for Book Clubs  $3,780.00 
Athens United Immigrant Support Project  CLINIC Convening annual meeting  $700.00 
Stuart’s Opera House  Late 20th Century Dance Party  $3,840.00 
Good Works  In honor of LAC Class of 2021-2022  $250.00 
Habitat for Humanity of Southeast Ohio  Home Build  $15,000.00 
Ohio University  ATHENS COUNTY FOUNDATION SUPPORT 22-23: GRANT1/2  $26,800.00 
Passion Works  Juneteenth Sponsorship  $2,500.00 
Philanthropy Ohio  Annual membership fee  $1,337.00 
WOUB  WOUB Support for FY2022  $2,500.00 


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