We are committed to Athens County, OH.
The logo for the athens county foundation is a stained glass design.

grant FAQs

Frequently asked questions about our grantmaking process

  • Q: I work for a local non-profit, and I have a project in mind to be considered for Athens County Foundation funding. Can I schedule a meeting with you?

    A: Absolutely! We are happy to meet in person or virtually to see if your program/project is a good fit for our Grant Program. Contact us to set up an appointment or use the form below.

  • Q: Do you only fund projects and organizations that are housed in Athens County?

    A: Any eligible organization, whether located within or outside Athens County, is welcome to apply to any of our competitive grant programs, provided that the organization’s project benefits the residents of Athens County. If your program serves multiple counties, please specify the cost of implementing your program in Athens County only.

    However, this isn’t entirely applicable to some Donor Advised Fund-supported grant opportunities, such as those offered by the Rocky Community Improvement Fund (RCIF) during its Spring and Fall cycles. RCIF has a broader geographic scope, enabling them to fund organizations serving counties beyond Athens, such as Hocking, Perry, and Meigs. 

    Read more about RCIF here.

  • Q: My organization is applying to the Athens County Foundation for the first time. How is my grant going to be evaluated?

    A:  The Grants Committee uses the following evaluation criteria:

    • Alignment to ACF and the specific grant program’s core mission, vision, and values;
    • Feasible and reasonable use of grant funding; and
    • The applicant’s capability to achieve meaningful and sustainable impact in the community.
  • Q: Can we submit more than one grant application?

    A: Yes, each application is evaluated on its own merit.

  • Q: Is there a minimum or maximum proposal amount required?

    A: If you are applying for the fall cycle, we recommend asking for a minimum of $1,000. Average grants range from $3,000-8,000. If you are planning to submit a proposal in excess of $20,000, we strongly recommend you contact ACF staff prior to submission to discuss your proposal.   

  • Q: How do we submit our application and supporting documents?

    A: Since May 2023, all applications and supporting documents are submitted online. Please proceed here to create your account and access our forms.

  • Q: We received a grant from one or more of ACF’s Donor Advised Funds. What does that mean?

    A: When you apply for funding, Donor Advised Fund advisors may choose to support some or all of your requested amount if your proposal falls under their funding interest. We always let our grantees know where your funds are coming from. As the awardee, we encourage you to show due recognition to the donors by acknowledging them in your publicity materials, as well as reaching out to them personally.

  • Q: Do you fund individuals in need?

    A: Our grants are made to 501c3 organizations, churches, and government agencies only.

    If you are an individual in search of support, we recommend reaching out to the Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action (HAPCAP) or any nonprofits serving Athens County.

  • Q. We don’t make any money, are we considered a nonprofit?

    A: No, nonprofit is an IRS granted status to organizations: 501(c)(3).

  • Q. What if I have a project to propose outside of your grant cycle?

    A. You are always welcome to contact us. Generally, we don’t fund outside of our annual cycle but feel free to contact us to know about other resources or funding opportunities.

    For more questions, please feel free to contact us or use the contact form below!

Related Links


Shayne Lopez

Program Director, Grantmaking and Community Impact


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