We are committed to Athens County, OH.
The logo for the athens county foundation is a stained glass design.

Our theory of change


We see opportunity.

Athens County can apply its diversity of resources and strengths to address significant problems and possibilities


We seek collaborators, because everyone has something to contribute.

Individuals, Organizations, Institutions, Community


We invest in them so that we can collaboratively invest in the county.

We engage the community, elevate leaders, expand capacity, enrich initiatives


We co-create sustainable solutions to longstanding challenges and pursue opportunities.

  • Everyone in the community is empowered to participate
  • Actions are data-informed and community responsive
  • The county’s assets and strengths are harmonized and mobilized to propel progress


Together, we shape the future for Athens County.

Everyone in Athens County is engaged and working together to ensure a healthy, inclusive, thriving community for all.

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